After actor and Patriots fan Ben Affleck appeared on HBO’s Any Given Wednesday with a demeanor suggesting that he possibly had ingested a shot of every given liquor, many became keenly interested in learning more about what happened.
Officially, there’s not anything to learn. In additional to the “nothing to see here” tweet from Bill Simmons, Affleck has offered a pair of messages on Twitter that make no reference to his overall condition when talking about the #Deflategate controversy.
‘For those of you keeping score at home, I gave exactly 18 f*cks about my Pats,” Affleck said in reference to the frequency with which he used the word that Ralphie used when the lug nuts went flying. “Upon reflection, 12 probably would have been sufficient.”
He added, “We Boston fans have always been known for our subtlety. One of my favorite interviews; hope you get to see the entire episode.”
Many (including me) agree with much of the substance of Affleck’s remarks. However, there was no effort by Affleck to explain a delivery that was unusual, to say the least. He’s not compelled to do so, but the absence of any attempt to address what everyone who saw the segment is thinking will tend to make people think that, whatever it was, Affleck would prefer that everyone simply forget about it and move on.
Which is what many would like to do at this point about #Deflategate generally.