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Brazilian officials hoping to host two NFL games a year

Brazilian officials who worked with the NFL to bring a Week One game to their country in 2024 are hoping for more than one game a year in the future.

A long-term contract with two games in Brazil has been discussed with the NFL, according to

Gustavo Pires, the president of São Paulo tourism, said they’re pitching the NFL on the value of a five- or six-year commitment to growing the game in Brazil.

“In a long-term contract, we can work together with the NFL to make the sport even bigger in Brazil and increase job and income generation with every game,” Pires said.

The NFL has already committed to three games in London, one in Berlin and one in Madrid in 2025. Whether the league plays any more international games in 2025 remains to be seen, but the owners have already given the league office the green light to schedule up to eight international games per season.

Both the league and Brazilian officials were reportedly pleased with the results of the first game in Brazil, which sold out quickly and reportedly drew a strong local TV audience.