Aaron Rodgers can, and will, do whatever he wants. But his failure to make a decision about his short-term future is about to become a problem.
At 12:00 p.m. ET, free agency begins, as a practical matter. If Rodgers is going to the Jets, the Jets need to know that. If Rodgers is going to stay with the Packers (something the Packers clearly don’t want), the Packers need to know that. If Rodgers has some other alternative he’ll be exploring, everyone needs to know that.
And if Rodgers simply will be calling it a career, the teams need to know that, too.
Rodgers has promised not to unreasonably delay his process. He seems to be keenly aware of the relevant dates and deadlines. Still, for planning purposes, teams needed to know his specific plans well before today.
As of noon, he will officially be holding multiple teams hostage. Even if he refuses to admit that, to himself or anyone else.
So let’s go, Aaron. We’re waiting. All of us. The Packers, the Jets, and everyone else.