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John Harbaugh on Jim Harbaugh: My thoughts are that we play the Chargers next year

Jim Harbaugh is headed back to the NFL as the head coach of the Chargers and the hiring was of particular interest to the head coach of Baltimore’s team.

John Harbaugh once led the Ravens to a Super Bowl win over his brother’s 49ers and he was asked about his response to his brother’s new job during a Thursday press conference. It began with Harbaugh noting that he and his brother will have another chance to square off in Los Angeles next season.

“My thoughts are, we play ‘em next year. We’re looking forward to all of it. . . . The Chargers just got themselves one great coach,” Harbaugh said.

It will be some time before we know when the matchup of the Harbaugh brothers will take place, but having them both in the same conference should offer more chances to see them face one another in the years to come.