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Kansas City shooting is not initially believed to be terrorism

A mass shooting happened on Wednesday at the Chiefs’ Super Bowl victory parade. The investigation will reveal much about the motives for the crime.

Initial indications are that it was not an act of terrorism.

Via NBC News, officials “believe the shooting is criminal in nature but is not initially believed to be terrorism.” The news is based on three unnamed law enforcement officials who have been briefed on the system.

The distinction makes the outcome no less tragic. But answers will be needed, and law enforcement already has begun the process of developing the evidence that will help everyone understand what occurred and why it happened.

We send our best wishes to the people who were injured by this incident, in any way. It has become all too routine in modern American society. As I’ve said many times in the past, it is one of the basic risks that are now assumed when leaving home and visiting a public place, of any kind.