The NFL created the rabbit hole that is legal tampering weekend, and now doesn’t like the way teams are going down said rabbit hole.
Via Albert Breer of NFL Media, here’s the verbatim e-mail sent to teams today, scolding them for all the leaked deals (which can’t really be deals since there can’t even be offers).
“Clubs were advised of the rules for the three-day negotiating period in PP-23-15 (attached). These rules include limitations such as that a club cannot make an “offer;” or enter into a written or oral agreement of any kind, express or implied, or make promises or representations of any type concerning the terms or conditions of employment to be offered to any Unrestricted Free Agent for inclusion in a Player Contract after the start of the new League Year; or provide assurances of intent as to the future execution of an NFL Player Contract. Clubs were further advised that “Any attempt to undermine the purpose of this negotiating period may be considered conduct detrimental to the League.” At this time, the League office is beginning investigations into a number of reported agreements with clubs. Violations will be dealt with accordingly.”
Of course, this is just about the most ridiculous thing ever.
The league knew teams would do this, and now has to act shocked and threaten investigations when they do exactly what the entire world expected them to do.
The whole thing is a farce, and the only downside for the league appears to be that their made-for-TV special Tuesday is being diluted, since everyone has been talking about the deals to be announced all weekend.
Which, not coincidentally, is good for the business of the NFL.
But apparently threatening double secret probation seems like a good plan. I’m sure Marmalard is on it as we speak.