In recent weeks, plenty of emails and tweets have arrived pointing out photos of the latest examples of Johnny Manziel partying. In nearly every case, we’ve shrugged and moved on.
Here’s something unrelated to Manziel partying, although some people find themselves engaging in this specific activity while under the influence of alcohol. Manziel, via, has a new tattoo on his right hand. He already has an “OVO” logo (October’s Very Own, the name of Drake’s recording label) on the inside of his right wrist.
It’s his date of birth in Roman numerals, written on the top of his hand in the space between index finger and thumb. Above it is a crown that seems identical to the Rolex logo.
The development suggests that Manziel still hasn’t gotten to the point where he realizes that he needs to make plenty of changes unrelated to getting new tattoos in order to get back in the NFL. Which also means that his new tattoo may be the closest he ever comes to anything with a Roman numeral in it.