As the NFL Draft creeps ever so slowly closer, you’ll hear lots of talk about “late-risers.”
Usually, they’re more cases of the media catching up with what teams have thought all along. Regardless, one of this year’s hot names of the last few weeks is quarterback Tom Savage.
According to Sam Werner of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the former Pitt passer has been invited to New York for the draft, but hasn’t decided whether he’ll attend.
That goes along with reports that there are more teams wanting to talk to him than he has time to talk to, and it’s becoming clear that Savage’s stock is higher than many anticipated.
He has the size and the arm strength teams covet, which could lead him into the late-first, early-second round neighborhood.
Which side of that line he’s on, and how much he likes sitting around a green room, could ultimately influence his choice to attend the proceedings.