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Vikings avoid blackouts

Last week there was concern in Minnesota that the Vikings, despite being one of the best teams in the NFL this season, could be at risk of failing to sell out their home games and being blacked out on local television.

But now the Vikings say the next three home games will all be broadcast on local TV.

The Vikings play the next three Sundays at the Metrodome, against the Detroit Lions, Seattle Seahawks and Chicago Bears. Vikings chief marketing officer Steve LaCroix says the Lions and Seahawks games are “virtual sellouts,” and that the Bears game has “very limited” availability.

In other words, the games aren’t actually sold out. But they’re close enough to being sold out that they’ll probably be sold out within 72 hours before kickoff. And if they’re not, then the team, the local Fox affiliate and/or local sponsors will work together to make sure any unsold tickets are bought.

The Vikings’ last local blackout was in 1997.