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Carson Wentz bear hunt triggers the reaction he should have expected

It’s no surprise that Carson Wentz experienced an online backlash when posting on social media the aftermath of a successful (not for the bear) Alaskan bear hunt. The real question is whether Wentz realized that would happen.

He should have. If he didn’t, he’s got even less self-awareness than Michael Scott.

Hunting is a controversial subject, regardless of whether it’s done legally, properly, and as humanely as possible. Wentz knew or should have known that posting photos with a large, dead bear would spark sharp criticism from many.

Maybe he’s just oblivious. It’s either that, or he was trolling those who don’t like hunting by doing a victory lap through the pushing of images that plenty of people would find objectionable.

If he really was clueless as to the reaction he would get, maybe it explains a few things. About some of the decisions he has made during games. About how he has interacted with teammates at times. About the various leaks regarding his current NFL unemployment, which at one point included a straight-faced claim that he is open to opportunities to be a starter.

The bear incident will be forgotten soon enough, by most. The bigger question is whether Wentz is destined to be forgotten as a football player, or whether his phone will be ringing as camp approaches or during training camp or during the season, once injuries inevitably happen.

Currently, that bear in his photos could be the perfect metaphor for his football career. If the bear was something less massive and fierce and closer to something more cuddly and Koala.