I don’t want you to buy Father of Mine.
Not today, at least.
Today, the ebook is $3.99. Tomorrow, and for one week after that, you can get it for ridiculously low price of 99 cents.
It’s part of a “football is about to come back” vibe that makes me happy and thus willing to do more dumb things than usual. It also has a strategic component. If you read Father of Mine, you will be far more likely to buy the sequel, Son of Mine.
Son of Mine debuts on September 3. You can order the ebook now for only $4.99.
So, from this Sunday to next Sunday, you can get both for the grand total of $5.98. Look at what other ebooks cost. You’ll get a pair of mob novels set in the ‘70s at prices reminiscent of that decade.
Some would say (and have said) the low price means it’s not very good. The truth is that, in a bizarro Sunday Ticket move, I’m deliberately keeping the price low so that more of you will give it a try.
And it’s also good. Despite the fact that I wrote it.