His football team might not be all that entertaining, but he always is.
During a post-press conference media scrum on Monday, Cowboys owner and G.M. Jerry Jones played one of his greatest hits. With a twist.
“There’s a very low percentage of this that is smiles and gloryholes,” Jones said.
Jones originally coined the gem during training camp in 2012.
“I’ve been here when it was gloryhole days, and I’ve been here when it wasn’t,” Jones said. “And so having said that, I want me some gloryhole.”
(Former P.R. exec Rich Dalrymple threw Jones a lifeline, explaining that “gloryhole is a commonly used expression in the oil and gas exploration business.” Said Jones, “That’s news to me.”)
It’s no longer news when Jones says the word. He’s used it several times. And it was one of the Jerry-isms featured at his Hall of Fame enshrinement party.
He can’t say he doesn’t know what it is. (If you don’t know what it is, DO NOT Google it.) He knows what it is, and he no longer means it in the oil and gas exploration sense.
If he ever did.