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Pereira Will Address Rules Changes On Dan Patrick Show

The NFL’s V.P. of officiating, Mike Pereira, will appear later this morning on The Dan Patrick Show to discuss the rules changes passed by the owners during yesterday’s league meetings in California. Pereira’s appearance is scheduled for the 11:00 a.m. EDT hour. You can listen live right here. Pats safety Rodney Harrison also is scheduled to join the show to talk about the rules changes. (And, possibly, to lobby for the league to remove HGH from the list of banned substances.) On Tuesday, the league outlawed a “wedge” of two or more players on kickoffs, blindside helmet-to-helmet contact on blocks (the “Hines Ward” rule), and the use of forearms or shoulders to the head or neck against defenseless receivers. The league also took additional measures to make onside kicks safer, and prohibited defensive players who are blocked to the ground from lunging at the legs of quarterbacks.