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Sponsored post: A quick comment about comments

Actually, it’s not a sponsored post, but that’s the magic phrase that blocks our posts from automatically showing up at Twitter.

(If you didn’t know that we have a Twitter feed, you now do. And you should follow it.)

We’ve had a comments feature for nearly two years now, and it continues to grow in use.

And we continue to approve or delete all comments by hand.

But as the comments pile up, we have less time to read the full content of every entry. So we primarily scan the comments for one or more of George Carlin’s seven words. (WARNING: the preceding link contains most of if not all of Carlin’s seven words.)

It’s not a foolproof process, and we’ve noticed a trend lately toward comments with salty language and potentially offensive content.

So do us a huge favor and watch your language. Moving forward, we’re going to start summarily banning folks who cross the line. (For example, SixBurghDude has been bounced today. He and others know why.)

But don’t let our desire to keep the comments clean stifle your creativity. Consider this gem, posted earlier today: “Favre’s existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don’t want the truth because, deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want Favre on that wall, you NEED Favre on that wall. Favre uses words like honor, code, loyalty. Favre uses these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. Favre has neither the time nor the inclination to explain himself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that Favre provides and then questions the manner in which he provides it. Favre would rather you just said thank you and went on your way.”

So more of those, less of the other. Thanks in advance, bitches.